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How Has COVID Been a Disrupter With All of Our Purchasing? | Episode 11.0 – September 2, 2020

We are experiencing over twenty-four weeks of social distancing and self-isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s six months!

This is the 11th episode of our COVID-19 Market Update with our Chairman, Thomas S. Caldwell, C.M.

In this episode, we discuss how COVID has been a disrupter with all of our purchasing. There are reports that suits, dresses and deodorant sales are down, because people are working from home. Lipstick sales are down, because of masks. Ice cream sales are up, because it’s comfort food. How will this change our economy going forward?

And this wouldn’t be a market update, without our Chairman’s comments.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

September 2, 2020

The video is taped at Vantage Venues.

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