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An interview with Dan McGoey, lead Portfolio Manager of Caldwell-Lazard CorePlus Infrastructure Fund | November 15, 2023

Dan McGoey, CFA: Investing in Real Assets for the Future

Dan McGoey, CFA, lead Portfolio Manager of Caldwell-Lazard CorePlus Infrastructure Fund, was interviewed by Mike Wallberg, CFA, MJ on CFA Institute's Guiding Assets podcast with the focus on Real Assets, Real Estate, and Infrastructure.

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The information contained herein is intended to provide you with general information related to investment alternatives and strategies and is not intended to be comprehensive investment advice applicable to the circumstances of a specific investor. Commentary and portfolio characteristics are the opinion of the Portfolio Manager based on market conditions as of November 15, 2023. References or inferences to returns do not take into account any management fees, transaction costs, commissions, custodial fees, taxes or other costs that apply when purchasing securities. We strongly recommend consulting with a professional advisor prior to making investment decisions.

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