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February 2022

new season financial health

new season financial health

It’s been a frosty February – but we’re ready to jump into a new dawn! Our reads this month feature a plethora of ideas and we hope you enjoy them as much as we do as we shift gears into a new season.

Things that make you go hmmm | Tale O’ SWIFT

The intervention of the American authorities in a legal transaction between two European countries has provoked criticism from a range of politicians and experts who argue that the US has overstepped its place in their policing of financial transactions under the guise of fighting terrorism.

Doomberg | It’s Time to Get Serious About Energy

“And so, I hope President Putin will help us to stay on track with respect to what we need to do for the climate.” – John Kerry, February 23, 2022

VISUAL CAPITALIST | Putting EV Valuations Into Perspective

The global push for lower emissions has created a mania around pure-elective automakers. While Tesla leads the charge, investors have also piled into many of its younger rivals.

Hussman FUNDS | Top Dollar For Top Dollar

Why is it so hard to accept that speculative bubbles can burst? Interest rates were driven to zero for a decade. Yield-starved investors chased stocks to valuations beyond the 1929 and 2000 extremes. That speculation front-loaded more than a decade of future market gains into the present. Those gains are now behind us, embedded in breathtaking multiples. If history is any guide, a collapse in valuations is likely to return those gains to the future.

Folding Ideas | Line Goes Up – The Problem With NFTs

If someone pitches you on a “great” Web3 project, ask them if it requires buying or selling crypto to do what they say it does.

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The information contained herein is from sources believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. No representations or warranty, expressed or implied, is made by Caldwell Investment Management Ltd. or its affiliates.

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