Alex Osborne, CFA
Vice President, Client Portfolio Strategist & Portfolio Manager
Mr. Osborne is Vice President, Client Portfolio Strategist & Portfolio Manager at Caldwell Investment Management Ltd. Alex is responsible for the origination, design and development of customized (managed product) investment solutions for clients across Canada. Alex focuses on asset allocation and portfolio construction techniques, macroeconomics and strategy.
Alex also functions as a product specialist for the Caldwell Investment Management Fund Family.
In addition, Alex shares responsibility over a variety of key initiatives, including but not limited to, strategy, product development and design, marketing, advisory sales and distribution, business development and relationship management.
Prior to joining Caldwell, Alex spent over 11 years with a major Canadian Bank, most recently, working within their Asset Management division, specializing in Investment Manager Research. Alex graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Business Administration) degree from the Odette School of Business, University of Windsor, with a concentration in Finance and minor in Economics. Alex has earned the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the Toronto CFA Society. Alex joined Caldwell Investment Management in June 2017.