Something Good for the Month

February 2021

interesting links

Winter is almost over and we are looking forward to the bright colours of spring! We hope that this compilation of the most interesting links we found online in the month of February will brighten your day!

TK News by Matt Taibbi | TK Finance Dictionary: “SPAC”

America still leads the world in one thing: inflating speculative bubbles using gibberish finance acronyms. Meet the latest ‘Get-Super-Rich-Quick’ scheme, the Special Purpose Acquisition Company.

Jay Woods Substack | Come On Warren! Have Some Fun…

Mr. Buffet’s latest 13F is out and its another snoozer.

Forbes | Ending The Retail Apocalypse And The Next Era Of Post-Pandemic Retail Innovation: Insights From IKEA’s Chief Digital Officer

ECRI (Economic Cycle Research Institute) | Case Study: U.S. Inflation – Cyclical Insights

While our current inflation cycle upturn call, which began in the summer of 2020, continues to play out, it is instructive to understand what transpired during the 2016-17 inflation cycle upturn.

The Ascent | 20 Realistic Micro-Habits To Live Better Every Day

Aimed at humans, not gods.

Dr. Ed’s Blog | S&P 500 Earnings: V-Shaped Recovery

Investment involves risk, uncertainty and assumptions. The value of investments rise and fall and there is a risk you may not recoup the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
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The information contained herein is from sources believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. No representations or warranty, expressed or implied, is made by Caldwell Investment Management Ltd. or its affiliates.

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